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Cognitive Stimulation Therapy using e-puck Print
Written by Francesco Mondada   
Thursday, 27 February 2014 13:45

The e-puck robot has been used to implement Cognitive Stimulation Therapy by Sergi Torrellas at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. This therapy is a brief treatment for people with mild to moderate cognitive disorder with the objective of stimulating and engaging people, whilst providing an optimal learning environment. Cognitive stimulation is to improve an individual's capacity to process information so as to enhance independence and dignity in everyday life. Currently, the treatment consists of hierarchically organized treatment tasks and exercises which require repetitive use of the cognitive system in a progressively more demanding sequence. Therefore, these repetitive tasks have in impact on motivation which becomes the biggest challenge in CST reducing the performance of the therapy.

To fulfill this objective, the iCognos project is based onĀ  Opensource software (OSS) and Open-source Hardware (OSHW). iCognos is implemented on two separated OSHW devices: (1) the Cognitive Stimulation Control System is implemented on a Raspberry PI3 and interfaced with an WiiMote4 and (2) the Cognitive Stimulation Telerobotics System is implemented on the ePuck robot. The software developed for this project relies on different OSS (e.g. Cwiid, Qt, Bluez) aligning the project with the outcomes of the community.

See a video of the system on youtube or download the report of the master project.

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 February 2014 13:56
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